The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing

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  • Chapter 1 – The Breadth and Depth of DSP
    • The Roots of DSP
    • Telecommunications
    • Audio Processing
    • Echo Location
    • Image Processing
  • Chapter 2 – Statistics, Probability and Noise
    • Signal and Graph Terminology
    • Mean and Standard Deviation
    • Signal vs. Underlying Process
    • The Histogram, Pmf and Pdf
    • The Normal Distribution
    • Digital Noise Generation
    • Precision and Accuracy
  • Chapter 3 – ADC and DAC
    • Quantization
    • The Sampling Theorem
    • Digital-to-Analog Conversion
    • Analog Filters for Data Conversion
    • Selecting The Antialias Filter
    • Multirate Data Conversion
    • Single Bit Data Conversion
  • Chapter 4 – DSP Software
    • Computer Numbers
    • Fixed Point (Integers)
    • Floating Point (Real Numbers)
    • Number Precision
    • Execution Speed: Program Language
    • Execution Speed: Hardware
    • Execution Speed: Programming Tips
  • Chapter 5 – Linear Systems
    • Signals and Systems
    • Requirements for Linearity
    • Static Linearity and Sinusoidal Fidelity
    • Examples of Linear and Nonlinear Systems
    • Special Properties of Linearity
    • Superposition: the Foundation of DSP
    • Common Decompositions
    • Alternatives to Linearity
  • Chapter 6 – Convolution
    • The Delta Function and Impulse Response
    • Convolution
    • The Input Side Algorithm
    • The Output Side Algorithm
    • The Sum of Weighted Inputs
  • Chapter 7 – Properties of Convolution
    • Common Impulse Responses
    • Mathematical Properties
    • Correlation
    • Speed
  • Chapter 8 – The Discrete Fourier Transform
    • The Family of Fourier Transform
    • Notation and Format of the Real DFT
    • The Frequency Domain’s Independent Variable
    • DFT Basis Functions
    • Synthesis, Calculating the Inverse DFT
    • Analysis, Calculating the DFT
    • Duality
    • Polar Notation
    • Polar Nuisances
  • Chapter 9 – Applications of the DFT
    • Spectral Analysis of Signals
    • Frequency Response of Systems
    • Convolution via the Frequency Domain
  • Chapter 10 – Fourier Transform Properties
    • Linearity of the Fourier Transform
    • Characteristics of the Phase
    • Periodic Nature of the DFT
    • Compression and Expansion, Multirate methods
    • Multiplying Signals (Amplitude Modulation)
    • The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
    • Parseval’s Relation
  • Chapter 11 – Fourier Transform Pairs
    • Delta Function Pairs
    • The Sinc Function
    • Other Transform Pairs
    • Gibbs Effect
    • Harmonics
    • Chirp Signals
  • Chapter 12 – The Fast Fourier Transform
    • Real DFT Using the Complex DFT
    • How the FFT works
    • FFT Programs
    • Speed and Precision Comparisons
    • Further Speed Increases
  • Chapter 13 – Continuous Signal Processing
    • The Delta Function
    • Convolution
    • The Fourier Transform
    • The Fourier Series
  • Chapter 14 – Introduction to Digital Filters
    • Filter Basics
    • How Information is Represented in Signals
    • Time Domain Parameters
    • Frequency Domain Parameters
    • High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band-Reject Filters
    • Filter Classification
  • Chapter 15 – Moving Average Filters
    • Implementation by Convolution
    • Noise Reduction vs. Step Response
    • Frequency Response
    • Relatives of the Moving Average Filter
    • Recursive Implementation
  • Chapter 16 – Windowed-Sinc Filters
    • Strategy of the Windowed-Sinc
    • Designing the Filter
    • Examples of Windowed-Sinc Filters
    • Pushing it to the Limit
  • Chapter 17 – Custom Filters
    • Arbitrary Frequency Response
    • Deconvolution
    • Optimal Filters
  • Chapter 18 – FFT Convolution
    • The Overlap-Add Method
    • FFT Convolution
    • Speed Improvements
  • Chapter 19 – Recursive Filters
    • The Recursive Method
    • Single Pole Recursive Filters
    • Narrow-band Filters
    • Phase Response
    • Using Integers
  • Chapter 20 – Chebyshev Filters
    • The Chebyshev and Butterworth Responses
    • Designing the Filter
    • Step Response Overshoot
    • Stability
  • Chapter 21 – Filter Comparison
    • Match #1: Analog vs. Digital Filters
    • Match #2: Windowed-Sinc vs. Chebyshev
    • Match #3: Moving Average vs. Single Pole
  • Chapter 22 – Audio Processing
    • Human Hearing
    • Timbre
    • Sound Quality vs. Data Rate
    • High Fidelity Audio
    • Companding
    • Speech Synthesis and Recognition
    • Nonlinear Audio Processing
  • Chapter 23 – Image Formation & Display
    • Digital Image Structure
    • Cameras and Eyes
    • Television Video Signals
    • Other Image Acquisition and Display
    • Brightness and Contrast Adjustments
    • Grayscale Transforms
    • Warping
  • Chapter 24 – Linear Image Processing
    • Convolution
    • 3×3 Edge Modification
    • Convolution by Separability
    • Example of a Large PSF: Illumination Flattening
    • Fourier Image Analysis
    • FFT Convolution
    • A Closer Look at Image Convolution
  • Chapter 25 – Special Imaging Techniques
    • Spatial Resolution
    • Sample Spacing and Sampling Aperture
    • Signal-to-Noise Ratio
    • Morphological Image Processing
    • Computed Tomography
  • Chapter 26 – Neural Networks (and more!)
    • Target Detection
    • Neural Network Architecture
    • Why Does it Work?
    • Training the Neural Network
    • Evaluating the Results
    • Recursive Filter Design
  • Chapter 27 – Data Compression
    • Data Compression Strategies
    • Run-Length Encoding
    • Huffman Encoding
    • Delta Encoding
    • LZW Compression
    • JPEG (Transform Compression)
    • MPEG
  • Chapter 28 – Digital Signal Processors
    • How DSPs are Different from Other Microprocessors
    • Circular Buffering
    • Architecture of the Digital Signal Processor
    • Fixed versus Floating Point
    • C versus Assembly
    • How Fast are DSPs?
    • The Digital Signal Processor Market
  • Chapter 29 – Getting Started with DSPs
    • The ADSP-2106x family
    • The SHARC EZ-KIT Lite
    • Design Example: An FIR Audio Filter
    • Analog Measurements on a DSP System
    • Another Look at Fixed versus Floating Point
    • Advanced Software Tools
  • Chapter 30 – Complex Numbers
    • The Complex Number System
    • Polar Notation
    • Using Complex Numbers by Substitution
    • Complex Representation of Sinusoids
    • Complex Representation of Systems
    • Electrical Circuit Analysis
  • Chapter 31 – The Complex Fourier Transform
    • The Real DFT
    • Mathematical Equivalence
    • The Complex DFT
    • The Family of Fourier Transforms
    • Why the Complex Fourier Transform is Used
  • Chapter 32 – The Laplace Transform
    • The Nature of the s-Domain
    • Strategy of the Laplace Transform
    • Analysis of Electric Circuits
    • The Importance of Poles and Zeros
    • Filter Design in the s-Domain
  • Chapter 33 – The z-Transform
    • The Nature of the z-Domain
    • Analysis of Recursive Systems
    • Cascade and Parallel Stages
    • Spectral Inversion
    • Gain Changes
    • Chebyshev-Butterworth Filter Design
    • The Best and Worst of DSP
  • Chapter 34 – Explaining Benford’s Law
    • Frank Benford’s Discovery
    • Homomorphic Processing
    • The Ones Scaling Test
    • Writing Benford’s Law as a Convolution
    • Solving in the Frequency Domain
    • Solving Mystery #1
    • Solving Mystery #2
    • More on Following Benford’s law
    • Analysis of the Log-Normal Distribution
    • The Power of Signal Processing